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Guided by Grace: Remembering the Power of the Litany on Mama Mary’s Birtday

Our Blessed Mother holds an essential and loving role in our spiritual journey, especially in guiding us closer to God. As Christians, we are called not only to venerate her but to emulate her life, focusing on her profound humility, unwavering obedience, purity, and simplicity. Filled with abundant graces and virtues, she is ever willing to share these gifts with us when we draw near to her in faith and devotion.

I fondly recall a prayer learned in childhood, quietly recited after the Holy Rosary. My mother passed it down to her children, though I’m unsure of her source. Perhaps, she obtained the said prayer from our two aunts who are nuns—one a Daughter of Charity and the other from the Reiligious of the Good Shepherd. The prayer I’m speaking of is the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It begins with supplications for God’s mercy, followed by a litany of Mary’s heavenly titles. By joining my mother in reciting the Litany regularly, I eventually memorized the entire prayer. My mother found great comfort in the rhythmic repetition of this powerful prayer, and I have found the same. Throughout life’s challenges, Mama Mary has never failed to guide and assist me.

On this special day, we celebrate the birthday of Mama Mary, our spiritual mother who guides and intercedes for us with love and grace. As we honor her, let us remember the beauty of prayers like the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a powerful tradition passed down from generation to generation. It is unfortunate that the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary is rarely prayed by the faithful today, and even some of those in religious vocations/Marian organizations seem to have set it aside. This is truly regrettable because it is such a beautiful and powerful prayer.

With Mama Mary’s intercession, we can overcome our weaknesses, avoid sin, and receive the strength we need in difficult times. She offers comfort and hope to all who call upon her name, a promise she has reiterated in many of her apparitions. Our Blessed Mother not only leads us to God but prays with us, constantly interceding on our behalf. Her unique closeness to God, surpassing any other creature, makes her the perfect channel of grace to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Just as we ask saints or loved ones for their prayers, we can always turn to Our Lady, entrusting our petitions to her loving care. She listens with a mother’s heart, always ready to intercede for her children.

Much like a family birthday, a birthday celebration for the Blessed Mother brings joy to all, including her family of believers. Birthdays are times of joy, gratitude, and prayer. So today, we wholeheartedly wish her a joyful “Happy Birthday, Mama Mary!” Many, including myself, affectionately call her “Mama Mary,” as she is indeed our spiritual mother, tenderly guiding and protecting us.

On this special day, let us be especially generous in offering prayers, particularly the Holy Rosary, for the intentions of others. Let’s pray for miracles and hope for those in desperate need, trusting in the Blessed Mother’s intercession. In doing so, we bring joy to our Blessed Mother and to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

If my beloved mother, Inay Aying, were still with us today, she would surely be filled with joy in reading this, finding comfort in these words. She shared the same birth month as the Blessed Virgin Mary, so in advance, happy heavenly birthday, Inay Aying! If you and Daddy are now with the Blessed Virgin Mary, rejoicing in God’s presence, please continue to pray for all of us, your children. Amen.


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