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Embrace the Power of the Holy Rosary: MUTC’s Unsolicited Advice To The Youth

For Catholics, the month of October has been dedicated to the Holy Rosary, particularly today (7th of October) which is the feast of Our Blessed Mother as the Lady and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. As such, it is the perfect time for us to honor and invite her into our hearts, our homes and our families. Based on accounts, the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Dominic (somewhere in France) and gave him a Rosary to protect him from harm against heretics and requested him to spread and teach others to pray the same.

I recall one of my grandmothers was a devoted follower of the Blessed Mother, attending 5 a.m. Holy Mass regularly and actively participating in church activities. She even served as an officer and led the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) at one point. She instilled this devotion in her children, two of whom became religious sisters/nuns.

During a childhood visit to my grandparents’ house, I stumbled upon a small prayer room. In the room, there was an altar with a large crucifix and a life-size wooden statue of the Blessed Mother (Our Lady of the Holy Rosary) in a glass case. A polished narra wood prayer kneeler with a cushion and riser stood in front of the altar. I was struck by the statue’s beauty, with its silk and velvety beaded clothes adorned in blue, silver, goldwork thread embroideries, and rhinestones. This memory served as a poignant example of how my grandmother honored God by creating a special sacred space for Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

Similarly, my mother held a deep devotion to Our Lady and the Holy Rosary. She actively participated in Marian organizations, including the Association of Our Lady of Lourdes in her parish, to the extent of wearing white clothes with a blue sash on her waist. Her devotion extended to reciting the prayers with profound reverence, including the Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She passed down this tradition to all her children, instilling in us a firm belief in the wonderful promises Our Lady offers to those who faithfully recite the Holy Rosary.

In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions and challenges abound, finding moments of peace, reflection, and connection with God can be quite challenging. Unfortunately, the younger generation worldwide tends to be less religious compared to their older counterparts. Surveys conducted by organizations like the Pew Research Center reveal that younger adults, especially in western countries such as the U.S.A and Canada, are less likely to identify with a religion or engage in religious practices. This trend is disheartening, and various factors contribute to it, with family dynamics being one of them. Many of us are preoccupied with the pursuit of material wealth, often working long hours to secure our daily sustenance. Some may even resort to extreme measures, including legal or illegal businesses, in the relentless pursuit of wealth, sometimes neglecting their duty to impart faith to the younger generation. It’s crucial to emphasize that there’s nothing inherently wrong with accumulating material wealth on earth; it can enable us to achieve our goals and lead happier lives. However, it is our responsibility to treasure and utilize these blessings wisely and to prioritize passing on our faith to the next generation amidst life’s many demands.

The Unsolicited Advice:

We understand that today’s life journey of a young person is filled with twists and turns, and it’s perfectly normal to question, explore, and sometimes even falter in his/her faith. Some may be encountering doubts, distractions, or the allure of the secular world. But remember that you are not defined by your mistakes or moments of doubt. Instead, these experiences can be opportunities for growth and rediscovery.

In those moments of uncertainty, consider the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in St. Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” Jesus offers you a safe haven, a place where you can find peace and solace. And you are also being offered a gift from Our Lady, a powerful and time-honored tool that can guide you through life’s ups and downs – and that is, the Holy Rosary.

St. Pope John Paul II often emphasized the importance of this beautiful prayer. He encouraged all of you not only to pray the Rosary but to do so boldly and unapologetically. He said, “Do not be afraid to take up the Rosary once again. Be unafraid in inviting others to pray the Rosary, too, especially in public. Do not hesitate to suggest that the Rosary be prayed at home as a family.”

Similarly, Pope Francis stated that the Rosary is a “compendium of the entire history of our salvation” – since the Christian faith was spread throughout the world through the Rosary. The Holy Father further stated that the Holy Rosary is a “powerful weapon against evil”, and that it is an “an effective means of obtaining true peace in our hearts.” Some saints have also noted about the Holy Rosary’s power against Satan, one of whom was St. John Bosco who also advocated educating the youth with Christ at the center.

Praying the Holy Rosary may be challenging especially for you as it takes a lot of patience and best efforts as it’s quite long. But take note, it is not just a string of beads; it’s a profound journey through the mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ. It is a path to understanding His love, His teachings, His sacrifice, and His glory. As you meditate on these mysteries, you draw closer to Him, finding answers to life’s questions, comfort you in times of distress, and inspiration for your daily struggles in your studies, including your relationships with family, friends and even with your girlfriends or boyfriends.

The power of the Holy Rosary prayer transcends generations and brings people together. Many have testified to its miraculous effects – it has healed, protected, and guided countless souls. We ourselves can attest to the enormous benefits of the Holy Rosary. Those who have fervently prayed the Rosary have experienced the peace it brings to troubled hearts, the strength it provides during trials, and the joy of witnessing their intentions answered. As you navigate the challenges and uncertainties of your youth, consider making the Rosary a part of your daily routine. It’s not just a prayer for older generations; it’s a prayer for you, the youth of today. Praying the Rosary can help you find direction, purpose, and a deeper connection to your faith. It surely can have positive impact on you. By embracing the power and praying the Rosary, you join a global community of believers who seek solace, healing, and hope through our Lady’s intercession.

So, take up your own Holy Rosary. Bring it with you wherever you go with confidence and devotion. Pray it in your homes, in your schools, and in your communities. Let it be a source of strength, a path to wisdom, and a reminder of God’s love for you. In the words of St. Pope John Paul II, “Praying the Rosary is simply the best way to do good in the world, to give glory to God, and to obtain the salvation of souls.”

May the Holy Rosary be your/our faithful companion on your/our journey of faith and may you/we inspire others, young and old, to join you/us in this beautiful prayer. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us. May God bless us all. Amen.

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