Aaah, Such A Beautiful Fall Foliage!
I recall it was fall season when I decided to pursue my dreams of being able to contribute some itty-bitty good things in life via the blogosphere. Yes, even in small things, in everyday experiences, we can found true inspiration and greatness in them!
It is fall season once again in the U.S and in some other parts of the globe and leaves of trees have started to gleam different kinds of fall colors, while others are fading and getting fragile as if it is like a sequel of a mysterious fairytale!
The same is true with blogging. As mentioned in my previous blogs, it can be likened to an autum leaf. As it progresses, the passion for writing becomes intense and the topics tend to be more interesting, colorful and challenging. However, the pressure of meeting project deadlines, the depressing moments, the technical failures, the lack of inspiration and the times when the blogger’s head isn’t just into it, may lead one to take a leap of faith, hopefully not seriously considering quitting….but simply relaxing for a moment!
What is beautiful about blogging is that I learn new things and the opportunity of sharing them with others helps me to stay more motivated. Blogging has been a perfect venue for me to appreciate little things and contribute the same to the online world.
My Useful Tips has struggled to find the best ways….to where it is now. Based on Google Analytics data, it has regular visitors coming from all corners of the globe, as in they act like ambassadors from all continents. I never thought people from all walks of life of every nationality would stumble on this humble internet real estate and spend time, browse, read and get free stuffs in there.
As I have said before, the die is cast! Blogging for me may have similarities with an autumn leaf, colorful as it is, but it would definitely not going to fall and wither from where it is now. As other bloggers would say, blogging is constant, it never stops. In my case, I can’t refrain from my blogging activities, it has been a part of my journey….. I’m determined to keep this for life!
Aah, my mind is now filled with those sweet memories of the beautifully and luxuriously-lit foliage while relishing the nice little chill in the air!
Thank you all “My Useful Tips” friends!
Nature’s beauty!